Albums X-Rated Fairy Tales 1985 Superior Catholic Finger 1989 The Last Laugh 1989 Boxing the Clown 1990 Lactating Purple 1991 Kiss to the Brain 1992 Your Choice Live 1993 Planet-X 1994 Busting Through the Van Allan Belt 1994 Cosmic Assault 1995 "NUGG" The Transport 1996 Activated Condition 1998 Chromagnum Man 1998 Colors of Light 1999 On Tour 1999 2001 Spider Prophesy 2002 On the Dark Side of the Sun 2003 Singles Nothing Wrong 1989 The Warming 1991 Helios Chrome 1993 Abducted 1996 Compilation Apearances Insomnia 1987 Song and Legend 1987 Teriyaki Asthma 1989 Dope, Guns & Fucking in the Streets 1989 Dope, Guns & F*cking up Your Video Deck 1989 VHS Video Crunchouse 1990(?) Smells Like Smoked Sausauges 1991 Guitarrorists 1991 The Big One 1991 Mesomorph Enduros 1992 Amphetamine Reptile 1993 Sampler 1993 Caroline Sampler #6 1994 A Saucerful of Pink 1995 Nik Turner & Travellers of Space 1995 Am-Rep Motors 1995 Models 1995 Hawkwind, Friends & Relations 1996 Dossiers II 1996 Letters to Aliens (M Class East) 1997 This is Space 1997 |
Полный актуальный ассортимент продукции нашей компании - в магазине "Даркус" - ТЦ "Горбушкин Двор", 2 этаж, пав. C2-011
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