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     страна : Germany

       стиль : Industrial

     contact:  website  e-mail

Felix [FEINDFLUG]: felix@feindflug.net
Banane [FEINDFLUG]: banane@feindflug.net


Session live members:
Beam - drums
Kay - keyboards

Feindflug CD-R / 1997
1/St.G.3 MCD / 1998
Feindflug V.4 CD / 1999
Im Visier MCD / 1999
Sterbehilfe EP / 2000 Hirnschlacht CD / 2002
I./St.G.3 [Phase 2] MCD / 2003

:: Feindflug tracks on various artist compilations ::
A Compilation (Black Rain/ NoiTekk Promotion Sampler) (2002) | Faustrecht
Access (One) (2001) | Vollstreckung
Best Of Electronic Music Vol.3 (2001) | Stukas im Visier
Black Rain Compilation (1999) | Storfaktor
Black Rain Compilation II (2000) | Bluthandwerk
EXTREME Jenseitshymnen 3 (2003) | Kalte Unschuld
Cyberl@b Vol.3 (2002) | Gro?enwahn [Life Cried Remix]
Cyberpolis Vol.1 | B66883
Cyberpolis Vol.2 (2002) | Glaubenskrieg
ElectroMania Vol.I (2000) | B66883
Electromaniac (2000) | Vollstreckung
Industrial Frequencies IV (2001) | Totungsmaschine Mensch
Industrial Frequencies V (2002) | Faustrecht
Nachtschwarmer 5 (2002) | Glaubenskrieg
New Forms Of Industrial (2001) | Bluthandwerk
Not Made By Industries II (2000) | Owners Manual (early [non instrumental] experiment) *1
Per:Version Vol.5 (Ritual Magazin) (2002) | Glaubenskrieg
Prospective Music Magazine - Volume 5 (2000) | B66883
Storsequenz (2002) | Schweigepflicht
SubSession duo.tone (2003) | Stromtod The Nightingale Compilation (1999) | Gestandnis
The World Of Gothic | Gestandnis *2
Triton Vol.2 (2001) | Stromtod
Wellenreiter In Schwarz Vol.3 (1998) | Lagerhaft
Zillo Dark Summer (2002) | Bluthandwerk

*1 very early & non Feindflug-typical song
*2 This song was not licensed correctly for this compilation, so you can find it only on
the first edition of this sampler.

:: Remixes by or for Feindflug ::
Accessory - Jukka2147 (2001) | War Of Emotions
Aslan Faction - Sin-Drome of Separation (2003) | Event Decay
Black Rain Compilation (1999) | Accessory - War Of Emotions
davaNtage - broken influences (2000) | Decadence
Grendel - End of Ages (2002) | Corroding Conscience
New Forms Of Electronic Body Music V. 1.0 (2001) | davaNtage - Decadence

Coming soon!

Полный актуальный ассортимент продукции нашей компании - в магазине "Даркус" - ТЦ "Горбушкин Двор", 2 этаж, пав. C2-011

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